Friday, November 13, 2009

Looks Like Disney's Getting a Facelift!

So I wanted to apologize for being MIA for a couple weeks.  The quarter caught up to me (as it is still doing and I've been really busy).  I'll do my best to post at least one post a week for my faithful readers (Tal, Jessica, Jesika (sorry for spelling it wrong initially), etc.). Hope you like this post and I'm writing one for tomorrow already.

So I was reading in a MacRumors article that Steve Jobs and the Apple Store Team are helping Disney recreate their Disney stores.  They plan on doing an "Imagination Park" idea.  While Steve Jobs did not explicitly come up with the Imagination Park idea, he rightfully pushed that Disney needs to totally recreate (a remodel just wouldn't be enough) their stores.

For those of you who are wondering what Steve Jobs is doing giving Disney advice, here's the long story short.  Way back in the dawn of time (aka the '80's) Steve Jobs created Apple with Steve Wozniak.  After a long time with Apple, he was kicked out.  He went on to start Pixar.  In the mid-90's, he was rehired by Apple, but remained CEO (I think?) of Pixar.  Sometime in the late 2000's, Disney bought Pixar, and Steve Jobs became the largest shareholder of Disney stocks, and a member of Disney's Board.

Anyways back on topic ...

The Disney stores have always been over-priced, and very commercial-esque.  They were one of those things that were always the same everywhere.  Unfortunately, that always the same bit has left them feeling old and out-dated, not hip and baller like the Apple Stores are.  Also, since everything is so expensive, and the economy has gone to the shitter, they're probably barely making any money at the Disney stores (this might explain why the one in SF is closed.  Can't remember if Chicago's is still open or not).  Anywhose, I'm liking the idea of modernizing and technologifying the new Disney Stores.

Disney has had some great hit's in the past.  With Apple and Steve Jobs's help, I'm hoping they can actually create legitimately succesful and fun stores.  Keep in mind that I probably will not be buying anything there for a very long time as I am out of my Disney prime, and (thankfully) I am currently child-less.

Some details of what they're planning include the following:
- mobile checkout
- karaoke contests
- chatting with disney stars via satelite
- magic mirrors where Cinderella talks to you
- 13 foot Lucite trees that light with fireworks
- They'll even have a scent aspect:  associating smells with audio (they gave the example if a Christmas Carol is playing, the store might smell like a christmas tree ... I find this VERY creepy).

Anyways, you can read more on this NY Times article.

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