Sunday, August 30, 2009

Star Trek (2009), fucking awesome!

So I definitely would not consider myself a Trekie. In fact, I don't think anyone out there would consider myself a Trekie. Prior to this last month I had only seen Galaxy Quest (which was hilarious) and Star Trek: Nemesis. Nemesis totally sucked, I think I was like in 8th grade when it came out ... anyways I saw it and it sucked. So because of this I never really had an interest in like the space sci-fi-y movies or TV shows, and never allowed myself to watch anything Star Trek, or Battlestar Galactica.

Anywhose, so I never went to see Star Trek when it came out in may or whenever because I maintained I'm really not a trekie. But on the way to Israel they were playing it, so I was like what the hell, I'll watch it, and it was really good.

It had a few familiar faces:
Anywhose, I had fairly low expectations for this film, and honestly, I really really liked it and have even considered watching the other trekie type movies (Michael you can educate me there).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'll be happy to educate you on the matter. The new Star Trek movie was deffinantly set apart from the rest of the series, so I would not expect the same style of movie.

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